Mmmystery games - Discover your inner detective and solve the crime!
Mystery Under
the Eiffel Tower
Taylor_Swift_themed_game Excitement settles over Paris as anticipation builds for the concert of the famous American pop singer Kaylor Swiftly, set to perform beneath the iconic Eiffel Tower. But as the city buzzes with Swiftlies and tourists, a shadow falls over the event when Kaylor’s custom-designed, irreplaceable guitar goes missing just hours before showtime. The close-knit team behind the scenes, from stagehands to personal assistants, suddenly finds themselves in a frenzied search against the clock.
But trust is tested and alliances shift as every member of the crew and the most devoted fans realize: The thief is among them…
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Lavish Ballgowns and a Deadly Waltz – Birthday Party version
Saznaj više In case you have already played the original version of “Lavish Ballgowns and a Deadly Waltz” this game is not for you. This is another version of the same game in a slightly different setting (birthday party instead of a wedding). The clues and motives are the same as in the original version. In a time of quadrilles and steam engines, a noble London family invites to a ball to celebrate the 30th birthday of their beloved – yet unmarried – daughter. No wine is too expensive, no dish too difficult to prepare, and the guests dress in the most exquisite gowns and tuxedos, their dance cards full of names. The guest list, however, is filled with a set of surprising names – most notably the daughter’s future husband and his family. But while the London ton already speculates if this arrangement was a love match – or whyever the noble family might have lowered their standards that much? –, a group of lower-class bandits mingles unseen among the party guests. And suddenly, instead of chatter, music and dancing, a dead body is the main attraction. A bandit? Or one of the precious guests? And who would have been cold-blooded enough to commit murder? One of the players will die at the party, right before your eyes! Who would kill the poor victim? Maybe it will be YOU!
Curse of the
Haunted Mansion
On this eerie night beneath a moonlit sky, an opulent masquerade ball unfurls in a grand mansion, but behind the masks and glittering costumes lurks a chilling secret. Legend whispers that the host’s late grandfather struck a dark bargain with malevolent forces, a pact that supposedly cursed the mansion. Whether this tale is mere fiction or a ghastly reality is uncertain. Yet, as shadows lengthen and the clock ticks towards midnight, the air thickens with a malevolent energy. Tonight, the mansion is alive with more than just the revelry of the ball. The spirits of the past stir restlessly, seeking to reclaim what was stolen from them. The ghosts of Halloween past are here to exact their revenge, and no one is safe from their haunting presence. As you dance beneath the chandeliers, beware—every creak of the floorboards and flicker of the candlelight could signal the beginning of your own descent into terror. The masquerade has begun, and the true horror is just beginning to unfold… One of the players will die at the party, right before your eyes! Who would kill the poor victim? Maybe it will be YOU! Saznaj više
Zašto odabrati murder mystery party?

Ako želite organizirati jednu neuobičajenu zabavu, rođendansku proslavu ili samo jednostavnu večeru za prijatelje uz nešto posebno, vrijedilo bi isprobati murder mystery. Vaši će gosti biti dio istrage i tragati će za osobom koja je imala motiv, sredstvo i priliku za počiniti ubojstvo.

The Host can
play along

Svaku zabavu potrebno je organizirati, ali mi smatramo da je jednako važno da se i domaćin dobro provede. Domaćin, isto kao i gosti, može igrati jednu od uloga. Tko zna, možda će na kraju baš on biti osumnjičen.

for kids

Osim murder mystery igara, nudimo i igre bez ubojstva i nasilja, za djecu i tinejdžere. Vaši mališani će se zabaviti i razvijati svoje vještine rješavanja problema tražeći lopova ili rješavajući neke druge zagonetke. 

Host a PARTY

that'll make a KILLING!


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